Saturday, August 31, 2019

August 28 - FINALLY WE GOT OUT OF DODGE! I mean Oakland - after the lurch to get Red situated, I finished packing.  Ordered an Uber to get to SFO.  Since we are taking check in luggage we had no desire to get to BART first before disembarking at SFO. 

Looks like we are flying over Lake Chabot on our ascent away from California before heading to Reykjavik Iceland. After a sleepless 8 hours (I finished Lean On Pete and watched not one not two but THREE movies) to our two hour layover here,  The first aircraft was a 767, and we were ok with our two seats together.  Seemed like a new aircraft, very clean with TVs that worked.

I have to say landing in Iceland was quite beautiful, right at sunrise.  Plenty of low clouds hiding the volcanic hills and mountains. We vow to return here and do some exploring.

We clambered back on to another 3 hour flight to Copenhagen. The next aircraft was smaller and seating not so great since I was stuck in the middle next to a lady knitting me and hitting my arm with every stitch.  No sleep there even if I tried! Took a cab to our AirBnB, arriving 3:30 pm August 29.  24 hours traveling, no sleep, including a 9 hour time difference.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The day before the trip August 27, 2019 is Red’s first day

Today was packing and prepping - and a lot of driving of Red the Cattle Dog up to the country club - Patrick Canine Resort in the western boonies of Petaluma - we were happy to get there without getting lost. We have finally perfected the wonky directions. No GPS works here we were told! Anyway two cattle crossings on a dirt road later, we emerged from vast grassland and dark oak trees at the farm. Met Roland the owner for the first time and had a conversation about the environment going to hell, air conditioning aka fog coming earlier today and of all things, how rock and roll just ain’t what it used to be. We forgot to ask him what he actually does with about 20 Big beautiful Great Pyrenees dogs!  Photo is a shot of DW opening the gate with the warning sign just before the turn to the kennel. After we left Red with instructions, a list of activities to keep him amused and his Pillow (thank you Wendy), we drove to San Anselmo then to the highway where we got a news bulletin from a neighbor that all lanes of our highway were closed due to a shooting! Ahhh life in the city - time to go on vacation!!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Getting Ready for the 2019 trip (and testing my blogging skills again!)

Here is my trip list - Leaving in five days, so we only have 4 to get ready.  I really get anxious about packing, arranging animal care, etc.  This is why we have NO chickens anymore.  And this time we had a problem with getting Goldie the cat fed and looked after - the family who is feeding her mixed up the months and thought we were leaving Sept 28 not August 28 so we were short a week of cat care.  Hilda to the rescue - she will take care of Goldie until Grace takes over!  Yay, one more important thing off my plate.
2019 Europe trip list
Socks & underwear/shoes(?)                                                     
Long Pants/Skirts
Running shorts & shoes                                                                                                 
Maps, CD’s 
Tee & Beach cover-up
Spare Eyeglasses    
Medicine/Supplements (Long list here haha) 
 (years ago this used to include just one thing "remember Aspirin")                                                                                                         
Tooth picks                                                          
Emery boards                                                                                  
Sun screen                                                                     
Band aids & Witch Hazel                          
Plastic bags, water bottle
Antibiotic/Rash Ointment
Witch Hazel 
Camera & Accessories (aka iPhone)
Money & Passport
Knife, twine, clothes pins, sewing kit

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

2019 Edition of Oakland Cleveland Heights National Night Out!

My first post on this blog since August 2, 2014.  BIG neighborhood event where we always try to attend more than one block party.  This year I brought Strawberries and Blueberry Muffins to both events - Wesley and The Triangle.  The photos didn't post in order but below are Marley, Wesley, Mike and Jason from Kyu's house and a bit of Heidi!

                 Danny took this pic before it got too dark.  Great turnout - Way to go Tina!