Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Ahhh arriving Split, Croatia at last - Sept 2, 2019 met up with Eddie from Brooklyn in the Copenhagen Airport and we all boarded SAS jet to Split. From there we picked up a rental car and drove to Sibenik to the Hotel Niko where we will be hiking and paddling around for the next week.

My vehicle here is NOT our rental car!

Stopped at a roadside wine tasting and had a pleasant interlude before purchasing a liter of delicious local red.  AND a huge bag of fresh figs.
Here is an unexpected hotel guest who waited patiently to share my breakfast!

Hit the beach on Day 1 here - very hot, in the 80s.  The Adriatic is crystal clear.  And the sea is warmer than the two pools at the hotel.  

Day 2, Here's my view from the hotel restaurant where we enjoyed an amazing dinner buffet our first night here - our lavish breakfast is included!  After breakfast, we had a delightful conversation with the hotel manager, Nate.  He directed us on a walk to St. Nicholas Fortress which was about 4 miles away - 8 mile round trip.  No swimming today after several strong thunderstorms came through over night cooling off the air considerable - not good for swimming but making for great hiking!

One of many rock walls constructed from stones cleared out of olive groves.  Along the way back to the hotel, we picked and ate fresh figs, raspberries and sweet green grapes off street side vines.  

At the end of the day, we decided to eat at one of the beach restaurants which had a rooftop viewing platform of the shoreline.  

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