Saturday, June 14, 2014

Finally my own keys

Imagine our frustration at having a great apartment, five flights of stairs and one set of keys for two people.  The manager of the space did not offer two sets and I was too breathless to even think of asking the day we arrived!  As you can imagine, the coordination eventually got a bit tricky since the downstairs door is locked (wait for another resident to open the door).  And both inner doors are locked with a separate key and there was no seemingly secure place to stash that key and breaking in these heavy secure doors was not an option.  This led to our having to combine our comings and goings - running down then up again those flights of stairs to let someone was to be avoided!  We had a bell but no buzzer we could find.

The manager was not all that responsive about the problem and finally answered us days later when we accidentally locked ourselves out of the space.  She directed us where to pick up a second set of keys - which came in handy for both us and our neighbours since this set is labelled "left and right" and opens both apartments - the circuit breakers are in their side and for some reason, we keep tripping them on our side - and we have the router for the wireless internet for both units!  Talk about cooperation!

Amazing how a set of keys can let me feel empowered!
But I do miss my push button lock in Oakland.  

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