Monday, July 28, 2014

Bruges, Belgium - a short two night and one full day stay

 Bruges, Belgium

Originally we planned to make a day trip to Bruges from Brussels but at the last moment changed to going to Bruges for two days in advance of visiting our Brussels friends.  Bruges is a very beautiful old port city - best NOT to arrive on a weekend which we did since all the tour buses and day cruisers from Great Britain especially along with other Europeans arrive en masse for tours of the city.  Bruges is a truly beautiful medieval city known as the "Venice of the North" - we learned from our Brussels friend Gabriele when we finally arrived there that Venice is rampant with mosquitoes - he had just returned from vacation there - and Bruges had none thankfully!

Hurdy gurdy man out on the cobbled street playing for and dancing with tourists (not us)!
Alas - no monkey...

Horses and carriages passed through the streets many times per hour.
The endless clip clopping of hooves was quite pleasant to hear - this spot is the
front entrance of our hotel.  Not a great place to bring a vehicle other than
these as you can imagine!
                               Canal over which the main street near our hotel crossed.

The horse and carriage statue commemorates this huge tourist attraction.   

We managed to find a nice place to exercise - alongside this canal a path went for a couple of miles

Better view from a bridge passing over the canal

Dragon head benches  (above and below) typical in all the parks

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