Monday, July 28, 2014

Brussels at last - with the Zaterins!

Brussels at last!

This was our second visit to Brussels, our first in the summer.  We visited here in 2007/8 over the December/January holidays - along with Marley - and we all drove the the French coast for a 3 day getaway after New Year's Day.  We were thrilled that our hosts came to California to visit us and tour the state last July, 2013.  Where will we meet next????

Just a poster I liked from a music store we visited - our 
host is a huge appreciator - and collector - of vinyl.

Hydrangeas on the front walk at the house on Square Larousse

                               The exciting moment of our arrival from Bruges preserved in film!

                                                                   Danny and Marco!

                                      Our rooms at the top of the red staircase were on the front
                                    of the house - which surprisingly is on a street where
                                       two prisons are located!  Sirens every morning when
                                                            the prisoners are moved!

                                        Love these old staircases in Belgian townhouses!

                                          One of several of Marco's "go to" coffee shops

Daily commute on the Piaggi scooter - Marco worked every day we were here
until the weekend and is finally on vacation too.

                                      Entry of Moroccan restaurant's bathroom - very fancy!

                                                                      Music Night!

                                                Or perhaps music night is every night?

We ran in a nearby park every morning of our visit -
this was the most common dog we saw in every country
during our whole trip - the wire haired dachshund!

Besides dog walkers, another animal is rampant in Belgian city green 
spaces.  Apparently in 1975 an amusement park manager let 
50 Monk Parakeets loose.  The population didn't increase 
right away but around 2007 there were finally 
enough of them to have a population explosion and now
 they are everywhere.  The locals peeps say they might have to 
capture some because they are a threat to the local bird population. 
They are extremely loud but elusive to photograph and don't 
stay still long - and roost in very tall white pine trees in the park. 
Somehow these tropical birds have adapted to the cold 
and are thriving - and are noisy neighbours as well.

Tram 81 - how we got around when we didn't walk.  FACT:  We brought a whole
seven days of California sunshine to the City of Brussels where it rains A LOT.
Marco suggested a day trip for us so we had an activity almost every day we were here.

                                   World Wars I and II monument in downtown Brussels - in the
                                           darkened area, there lay a statue of a dead soldier.

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