Here are some photos of outside of Janet's house where we stayed as well as some of the surrounding area. It couldn't have been any more peaceful than it looked in these photos. Basically all we did for a wonderful week in perfect weather was exercise every morning, take walks around the neighbourhood with and without the dogs, and we took a couple of day trips here and there. Spent one afternoon in nearby Poitiers which is a lovely small city about an hour north.
Front of the house. |
Back of the house - complete with patio, pooch, and to the right out of frame a clothesline! |
And here it is!! |
This was Danny's dream oven - huge old bread oven on the back of the house. It probably works but needs to be inspected so we
did not fire it up although we talked about it endlessly!
Pizza anyone - the pizza stone is included! |
Under the spreading chestnut tree by one of two entry gates, a few mushrooms will grow - they came up overnight after we pulled down the English Ivy! |
Grape arbor over the front of the house looking toward the garage. |
As far as the eye can see.....(DW photo credit) |
Grapes with a sunflower backdrop
Friends among the flowers |
Janet's back yard and part of several lavender borders |
Side of the house from the road (inside this was the "music room") |
Music room viewed from the front - DW's favourite place to play guitar (DW photo credit) |
Music room - a room, a chair, a guy and a guitar - used to house animals - see the hay rack - it was actually two rooms, one closed off and would have made a great chicken and turkey coop! Stone walls three feet thick just like the house. Very cool in the heat of the day (DW photo credit). |
This house is hard to photograph as it is one long L-shaped structure. Too long for a wide angle lens let alone a cell phone camera! View of side gates and corner of main house. |
While race walking one morning, we found the railroad station! |
There was a small shelter, no station, up a dirt path. A passenger disembarking would have to ask the train to stop. While we were in this area, three trains went by in about half an hour - 2 were small locals, 2 express trains. |
Found two friends on another walk in the neighbourhood. |
And more sunflowers (DW photo credit)!
Looks so beautiful and peaceful.