Thursday, July 3, 2014

Jerusalem String or Harp Bridge

During our stay near Jerusalem, we took the tram or light rail into the city from Ein Kerem. When we saw how short the trip is (4 miles), we walked back (twice) and during our walk, crossed over the foot path beside the light rail tracks.  Looking down, one would expect a river or trains but the bridge crosses a highway. 

File photo from bridge website giving overall view (I couldn't capture this on a cell phone camera!)
The planners of the transportation revolution in Jerusalem discovered that it would be impossible to integrate the Light Rail with the existing traffic arrangements at the entrance to the city, and required a completely separate route instead. They considered building a tunnel, but rejected this option for several reasons: the Menachem Begin tunnel that already traversed the entrance to the city, the destruction another tunnel would cause to Jaffa Road and Sderot Herzl and the anticipated environmental damage.

Spanish architect Dr. Santiago Calatrave designed a chords bridge inspired by the biblical verse, “Praise Him with harp and lyre”.  The bridge, which is 118 meters high, is constructed of four types of materials: steel, concrete, stone and glass. The main rectangular crossbeam of the bridge was designed to reduce the noise of the Light Rail, and the structure of the tracks also minimizes noise.  Although the bridge's design gives viewers a sense of hovering lightness, the bridge actually weighs 4,200 tons. It is suspended from 70 steel chords, in a unique pattern that gives it strength and stability. The bridge was constructed in Israel and Italy in sections by architects from all over Europe, with quality assurance tests conducted from Canada to Germany.

The bridge opened in 2008 and includes a stylish pedestrian walkway with a view of the Knesset, Supreme Court and Binyanei HaUmah (International Convention Center). The chords are visible from the approach to the city, and the bridge which resembles a harp has become one of the prominent symbols of Jerusalem.

Danny taking a photo of the translucent glass floor as we walked
over the bridge.  The curved wall is transparent as well.  

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